Wednesday, December 03, 2008

My first Christmas tree

Today my day just seems like it is never going to end so.... i decided to focus on something positive instead of continuing to think about things that just make me... sad....

So this weekend i bought and assembled my first ever Christmas tree (yeah i didnt go for the real thing cuz 1) i aint got space for it; and 2) for environmental concerns)!!! This, for many years was a big thing around my house, the whole fam got together and looked through things for the Christmas tree, we usually put it up on the 1st or 8th of December and only took it down after January 6th... Those were the good old days... in recent years if the tree was put together on the 24th that's only because the Christmas that year was at our house...

Anyway... now that i have my own apartment the tree just regained a whole new meaning... i mean it's small and the lights are funky and it might not look good to most people but i had a blast working on it... going to the store and getting it, picking the ornaments, the lights, the bells that i thought were apart and that when i got home realized that were all together and couldnt be used as i thought... it was just... fun! And for those 2 or something hours i managed to not think about anything else (yes, not even in you) and just focus on this tree.
I know it's probably an exageration of the tree's importance but... that's what it is. Now my next project: Getting Christmas presents for everyone... hmmmm this will be a difficult task!

*side note*: i see a change in you but i'm afraid to ask, i dont know if i want to know the answer so soon, is it that your mind is elsewhere or that you just prefer it like that? You used to tell me everything and anything and now... i dont know.... maybe it's just me.

So, this weekend i'll figure some of the presents out (ideally i would buy them all but i dont think that this is a realistic thought!)... I do like this Christmas time thing, you just feel inclined to believe that everything is going to work out for the best for everyone.

Inspiration of the day: "Good things dont come to those who wait; they come to the people who go out and try to get them" sent to me by Facebook

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